What Are the Four Main Causes of Accidents in the Construction Industry?
Construction workers often work in hazardous environments, including around live electrical wires and strong currents. Electrical hazards can lead to a wide variety of construction accidents, including shocks, fires, and explosions. The first of OSHA’s four Fatal Causes, electrocution, is often caused by a worker accidentally coming into contact with overhead power lines. Other causes of electrocution include the improper use of extension cords and contact with energized sources. If you have been injured while working at a construction site, it is important to speak with an experienced workers compensation lawyer before you make any decisions.
Defective equipment is a major cause of accidents at construction sites. It is responsible for many of the industry’s fatalities. When construction workers do not wear personal protective equipment, they may fall and sustain an injury. In many cases, the equipment was not properly designed, which can lead to a lawsuit against the manufacturer. Another common cause of accidents is improper use of scaffolding and ladders.
Unsafe mounting and fall protection are two other major causes of accidents. Many falls occur when workers are caught between objects. Failure to inspect protective systems and unsafe egress are also causes of accidents. Slips and trips are also common causes of accidents in the construction industry. Lack of fall protection, lack of traction on slippery surfaces, and weakened floorboards can all contribute to slips and falls.
Another leading cause of accidents is self-inflicted injuries. In 2012, 78 construction workers were killed when struck by a piece of equipment or an object. Many of these could have been prevented if employees had used proper safety equipment and training. The same can be said for electric parts. Everything from switchboards to power lines are at risk for an accident. Lastly, employees should be careful not to fall and should be aware of any dangers before attempting to move anything.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, falls and slips were the leading causes of nonfatal injuries in the private construction industry. The median number of days missed after such injuries was 28. Slips and trips were responsible for 3,620 accidents. The rate of injuries and fatalities varies depending on the type of work performed. By following a few simple safety guidelines, workers can minimize the risk of accidents.
Another common cause of accidents is falling. Falling can occur when a worker is working near an open-sided floor or without looking up. Other dangerous situations include unsecured ladders, high elevations, and unsafe scaffolding. Without proper fall protection, a worker can easily fall off a high level and sustain a fatal injury. Sadly, falls are the number one cause of death on construction sites.
Environmental hazards can also cause construction accidents. A worker may slip on an oil spot or be hit by a piece of machinery. Similarly, poor weather can cause reduced visibility. While some of these environmental factors are preventable, others require extra caution. Unfortunately, accidents often happen due to a combination of factors, including negligence. It is important to know what to watch for when working on a construction site.
The fourth most common cause of accidents is caught-in-between. A worker can become trapped between two objects, such as scaffolding or a piece of equipment. These situations can result in life-changing injuries, including traumatic brain injury and permanent damage to limbs and bones. Fortunately, most of these accidents can be prevented by proper safety measures. So what are the four main causes of accidents in the construction industry?
Proper safety training is essential on the construction site. In addition to having the proper training, the proper equipment and a safe working environment are essential. Proper safety training and safety equipment are the first steps in preventing accidents. By following these tips, you can reduce your chances of being injured on a construction site. For a safer construction site, everyone must take responsibility for their own safety.
Employee negligence is another leading cause of construction accidents. Insufficient training, improper supervision, fatigue, unfamiliar machinery, and improper equipment can all lead to an accident. Negligence can also come from a general contractor who fails to follow proper safety protocol. Construction sites are hazardous environments where workers operate heavy machinery and electrical tools. Additionally, workers are exposed to natural hazards such as ice, snow, and electric shocks.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, one in five construction industry fatalities is due to a work-related accident. OSHA has identified four main causes of construction accidents. They are falls, electrocution, and being hit or trapped in an object. Other contributing factors include the worksite conditions, use of tools, and lack of protective gear. If you or someone you know has fallen victim to an accident on the construction site, consider training in a safe manner.
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