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Main NewsPersonal Injury AttorneysPersonal Injury News
While it may seem like an abstract question, determining how much your damages are worth is an important step in bringing a personal injury case to a successful conclusion. In most personal injury cases, damages are categorized into two broad categories. The first is called “economic” damages. These are damages...
Main News
In a personal injury case, a victim must be prepared to make a successful case and get as much compensation as possible. Creating a strong case involves carefully documenting the accident and preserving evidence. It also requires gathering witnesses and obtaining a copy of the police report. When it comes...
Personal Injury News
There are several different types of personal injury claims. These claims are made by people who have been injured because of the negligence of another person. A common example is when a motorist does not stop at a stop sign. This is a form of negligence, and if a motorist...
Featured Articles
A medical professional’s incompetence can be a cause of a lawsuit. Many malpractice claims involve a doctor’s failure to diagnose a patient promptly, resulting in unnecessary treatments or worsening health conditions. In these cases, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the doctor failed to meet the appropriate standard of care, which...
Personal Injury News
Considering the hazard level, what accident kills the most construction workers? According to the US Department of Labor Statistics, one in every five construction workers dies in accidents on the job. While all types of accidents in the construction industry can be deadly, one of the most frequent is struck-by-object...
Featured Articles
The most basic way to determine how much money you deserve from a car accident claim is to ask a lawyer to calculate a formula that will give you a rough idea of how much your case is worth. Usually, the greatest harm suffered in a car accident is physical...
Main News
There are several factors that determine the cost of a medical malpractice lawsuit. Regardless of the location, the court-imposed fee will typically range between $100 and $500. Additionally, the plaintiff must pay a service charge of up to $100 to serve the defendant. The court filing fee is one of...
Personal Injury Attorneys
When you are working on a construction site, the chances are that you will encounter many different injuries that are related to the job. It’s essential to seek medical care for any type of injury. Some construction accidents are caused by unsafe work conditions. If you have been injured in...
Accident News
How to Negotiate a Personal Injury Settlement There are many things to keep in mind when negotiating with an insurance company. You should be patient and polite, and you should take notes on what the adjuster says. When you make a demand, reduce it slowly but surely. This will show...
Personal Injury Attorneys
What is Personal Injury Law? What is personal injury law? In legal terms, it is a form of tort. It is an area of law where people can sue for damages when they have been injured by another person’s negligence or reckless behavior. Typically, a financial settlement is designed to...
Personal Injury News
In the event that you’re in an accident caused by another driver, you may be able to file a UCJ claim to recover compensation for damages. Unlike a traditional lawsuit, UCJ claims can be made against the at-fault driver’s insurance company and may result in a maximum recovery of $30,000...
Personal Injury Attorneys
There are many steps involved in a personal injury case. Your attorney will first investigate the incident to determine legal fault. This will include evaluating medical records and consulting with experts on the subject of the accident. Once this is completed, your attorney will begin the litigation process. Depending on...