If you’ve been injured on a construction site in New York City, you may be wondering how to report an accident. While construction zones can be dangerous, most accidents can be traced to the same cause: negligence. New York City’s laws impose liability on construction site owners and contractors for safety violations. In cases of injury, it is vital to document the accident’s cause to maximize the amount of compensation you can receive. It is important to hire an experienced construction accident attorney to help you win your case.
If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, you should immediately contact your supervisor. You should also write statements regarding the incident. Contact witnesses and family members if possible. Witnesses can provide important information for your NYC construction accident attorney. If you are unable to make a report on your own, you can always use a witness’s statement. In addition to the person who was injured, it is important to document the cause of the accident.
After the accident, contact the witnesses and write statements about the incident and the safety risks. These statements are important for proving the accident and will be required by your NYC construction accident attorney. If a witness can’t be reached, contact your employer, family members, and friends to get a statement about the accident. If you’re injured on the job, contact your employer’s insurance company and seek compensation. The employer’s insurance company will need witness statements and documentation to prove your case.
If you’re unsure how to report an accident on a construction site, contact your attorney as soon as possible. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C., conducts thorough investigations to identify the exact cause of an accident. It is important to document any injuries and preserve any evidence gathered at the site. These attorneys can help you with your claim and will get the evidence you need. There’s no better time than the present to find a NYC construction accident attorney and file a claim.
While the construction industry is a thriving industry in New York City, it is also one of the most dangerous. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 25% of construction workers will suffer an injury or death on a construction site. Injury rates among construction workers in New York City are at an all-time high. And the lack of safety inspectors makes it even more dangerous. If you’re thinking about a new construction project, you may want to consider the following tips.
Identifying liable parties can help you get the compensation you deserve after an accident at a construction site. You may have other legal options, including suing your employer for negligence. If your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you can work with a trustworthy New York construction accident attorney to seek maximum compensation for your injuries. He or she will be able to identify responsible parties and pursue maximum compensation for all damages.
In New York, it is crucial to file a notice of claim for any injury sustained on a construction site. The City is often the defendant in such cases, and a claim against the City must be filed within 90 days. During this period, you should gather as much information as possible about the accident, including the date and manner of the accident. This will help the municipal entity investigate your claim.
While many construction projects in New York City involve the use of scaffolding, injuries to workers can be devastating. If a scaffold collapses on a construction site, the worker may suffer a life-altering injury. New York State Labor Law Section 240 requires construction companies to ensure that their workers are protected from falls from heights. If your employer fails to comply with the law, it may be liable for your injuries, so it is essential to report accidents promptly.